Levanté 1 Video Retreat Now Available in the Retreat Library

Prelude Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

A New Beginning

This is the prelude video of the Levanté 1 Retreat Series. After a short stay in Barcelona, Michael makes his way down the East coast to Valencia. Observing an ancient tradition, Michael places his hand on the Door of the Apostles before receiving the first stamp in his Camino Passport. He then prepares himself for his walk across Spain.

Day 1 Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

Body Mapping

Michael sets out on the first day of the journey to Santiago de Compostela. Each day is an opportunity to learn. Michael shares the experiences of the day, while helping us to see what the Camino of life has to offer.

Day 2 Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

Reality vs. Expectation

Sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect them to. Spending the night in a police station allows Michael to examine how our own expectations can keep us from living the wonder of each moment.

Day 3 Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

The Art of Self-Worth

A day with the ups and downs of poor signage, fields of sunflowers, "borrowed" grapes and a lovely river culminate in a stand-off at the municipal offices that demonstrate the importance of standing up for one’s self in the most human way.

Day 4 Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

Different Voices at Work

An easy walk that seemed to take forever brings about a discussion of the voices that sometimes creep in during the quiet moments.

Day 5 Video + Study Guide PDF (synopsis)

Building Prayer With Stones

Cairns on the road give Michael the opportunity to talk about why they can be so personally meaningful and allowing us to share the practice in our own lives. Plus, he encounters a mysterious fog concealing and finally revealing an ancient and wonderful secret.

NEW! -Reflections-

About Reflections
Michael has a practice of using his frequent walks for contemplation – of his favorite poetry, encounters with others, or spiritual thoughts. Reflections is a feature where Michael will share and discuss some of his insights. There is no set schedule for when his recordings will appear, so please check into the Retreat Library periodically to have a listen. The newest recordings will be added at the top of the list.

15 - Plant an Apple Tree

14 - A Healing Time

13 - All saints Slouch

12 - The Book of Pilgrimage, II, 22

11 - The Wound of Non-existence

10 - The Wound of Non-existence Part 2

9 - Inner Stream

8 - Weaving Life's Loose Ends 

7 - Talking to Your Dearest Friend

6 - Simple Joys Are Holy

5 - The Language of God is Silence

4 - The Unspeaking Center

3 - The Uses of Poetry

2 - St Teresa of Avila - God is on a Journey 

1 - The Surrender Novena

Camino I

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• 1 Unpacking Packing - 1 hour 10 minutes

• 2 Disciplines for the Journey - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 3 The Depth is on the Surface - 1 hour

4 Traveller, There is no Path - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 5 Following Our Star - Run time 1 hour 15 minutes

About Camino I

I began my first Camino on the eve of my 60th birthday. In hindsight it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Walking the Camino gave me opportunity to examine the past years and so much unfinished business, to grieve, apologize, forgive, integrate and heal. Thanks to the Camino, walking has become part of my daily spiritual practice. In fact, walking has become my prayer.

 The pilgrimage to Santiago was such a profound experienceI felt compelled to share it and so developed the Camino I, II and III retreats. During this Camino I retreat we’ll explore the early phases of a journey – the idea or invitation, the decision and then the preparation. We’ll examine the ancient call to leave the known and safe and set out facing our fear and doubts. The grace of risk as well as the importance of preparation are other topics we’ll address, for the journey begins long before we step out and close our front door.

 Journey is so archetypical it speaks even if we rarely travel, for life is journey. So is education, falling in love, faith and prayer. Welcome then, to this adventure. May your “Yes” open you to your deepest desire. Even on this Camino retreat may you recognize your star going before you.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Camino II

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• 1 Opening our Theme - 1 hour

• 2 Spirituality of Walking - 1 hour 15 minutes

• 3 Mapping our Camino 1 & 2 - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 4 Disciplines on the Journey - 1 hour

• 5 Jesus, the Pilgrim - 1 hour 20 minutes

About Camino II

“During this retreat we hope to assess some of the baggage we find ourselves carrying on this journey called Life and repack ourselves taking only what is necessary. We hope come to know the Road, the Camino, to listen to its wisdom and discover ways to make our life journey a sacred path, a pilgrimage.

 As on any quest we’ll consult maps, those drawn up by pilgrims who have preceded us as well as creating our own, so as to discern from where we have come, where we are presently and where we are headed.

 Santiago de Compostela is simply another name for The Jordan, The New Jerusalem, Heaven or Eternity, wonderful we can walk together, encouraging and assisting one another and in so doing finding our eyes open to the magic on the way and the amazing gift of life when walked together with hearts aflame.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Camino III

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• 1 Opening - 1 hour

• 2 Camino of Shadows - 1 hour

• 3 Body Camino - 1 hour

• 4 Arrival - Run time 1 hour 20 minutes

• 5 Eden To Emmaus - 1 hour

About Camino III

“There is a saying, “How you live a day is how you live your life.” I’m not sure whether that’s valid, but “How you walk the Camino is how you live life,” certainly rings true.

 Camino III, the third of the trilogy of retreats relating to the Camino de Santiago, stands independently and endeavors to examine life, and how we live it. It invites us to face the challenges, demands and failures we encounter, and discover how they can make us more receptive to a fresh awareness and new vistas. We’ll also explore ways to integrate the experiences and magic of the journey of life, revitalizing our spirituality.

 Our retreat, and the Camino de Santiago, will remind us of our faithful companion and partner, the body, and how it too is a means to encountering mystery and the Divine along the path.

 Finally, we’ll visit the themes of arrival and departure for home. Both have relevancy when we consider the journey as a metaphor for life, and how important it is to ­­live and celebrate the walk as well as the triumphant arrival.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Contemplative Ways of Being 1

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• 1 Introduction Learning a New Language - 1 hour

• 2 Pilgrimage Life as Journey - 1 hour

• 3 Core Spirituality Stalking the Gap - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 4 The Inner Monk Becoming Who You Are - 1 hour

• 5 Finding the Source Woman at the Well - 1 hour 15 minutes

About Contemplative Ways of Being 1

“This retreat is the first of three. It initially grew out of my pondering the text from St. Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray always.” Over the centuries, gallons of ink have been spilt attempting to fathom exactly what St. Paul meant by his famous injunction.

 My reflection posed the question, “Could we possibly have misinterpreted St. Paul?” Perhaps he didn’t mean always, but all-ways. This prompted me to further examine how to pray in different ways, especially in the ordinary and everyday. Two quotes pointed me in this direction:

 “Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.”

                  – Abraham Joshua Heschel 

These Be-ing retreats are simply teasing out how to live in such a way that what we do and who we are inherently praise and glorify the Divine and are therefore prayer.

 My hope is that this retreat will awaken you to the truth that it is indeed possible to “pray always” simply by becoming a human being, fully alive.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Contemplative Ways of Being 2

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• 1 Treasure Hunting The Child & The Heart - 1 hour 15 minutes

• 2 Looking That I May See - 1 hour 15 minutes

• 3 “Finder” - A New Home Imagination and Image - 1 hour 15 minutes

• 4 Tomb Prayer Inner Rest - 1 hour

• 5 The Power of Beauty The Now & the Quest - 1 hour

About Contemplative Ways of Being 2

“I imagine the first retreat in this series, Contemplative Ways to Being 1, “Be1”, in a classroom context – all of the participants behind desks, taking copious notes, reading, studying, struggling with new language and concepts, puzzled frowns, occasional flashes of enlightenment.

 Contemplative Ways to Being, “Be2” however is very different, more like “field work,” the participants dressed as if for an African safari – hat, binoculars, camera, notepad braced for experiencing and experimenting.

 I remember being in an open van at night in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The African game ranger turned and whispered, “Don’t move and don’t speak. Look and listen.” Seconds later a huge bull elephant walked right past us, close enough to touch – an intense and thrilling moment.

 Although this retreat invites a more “hands on” practical approach, it requires even more, the presence of our “inner child,” who is always intrigued, excited, interested, and game for the new and mysterious.

 If we can take the ranger’s words to heart, “keeping still and quiet, listening and looking,” and letting our inner child out; there is no telling who will walk past us or even in us during this retreat.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Contemplative Ways of Being 3

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• 1 The Grand Canyon On the Edge - 1 hour

• 2 Crisis Birthing Sacred Yes To Mess - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 3 Staying Connected Silicon Valley Prayer - 1 hour

• 4 Being a Hermit Dying to Die - 1 hour 20 minutes

• 5 Core Strength Spiritual Pilates - 1 hour 15 minutes

About Contemplative Ways of Being 3

“When I walked my first Camino de Santiago in 2010, I was struck by the number of pilgrims in the Middle Ages who, after completing the walk, returned, built themselves a hermitage and lived on the Camino for the remainder of their lives. I confess I was envious of them. I remember sitting in the ruins of the Hermitage of San Miguel de Ereñozar on Good Friday thinking, “I would love to do just this.”

 Contemplative Ways to Being 1 “Be1” was preparing for, and setting out on the spiritual path. “Be2” was about doing the journey, walking the walk. This final segment, “Be3”, focuses on deciding to simplify, settle down, to build your hermitage. It is a call to live on the journey, a life of fullness, depth, Divine intimacy (in spite of life’s challenges), for our own good, for the benefit of all who pass by, and to the glory of God.

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Cave of the Heart 1

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1 Adventure Croatia Romuald the Hermit - 1 hour

2 Cave Darkness A Rumi Story - 1 hour 15 minutes

3 Self Seeding African Stories - 1 hour

4 The Necklace The Deep Dive Into Becoming - 1 hour

5 Flow Kalahari Drilling - 1 hour

About Cave of the Heart 1

“In May of 2015, a German Benedictine, Jeremias Marseille, and I visited the cave of St. Romuald in northern Croatia. Both of us wanted to see the place where Romuald lived for three years, a thousand years ago, a time which had a profound spiritual effect on him.

 Returning to the States, I shared the experience at one of the Camaldolese Assemblies, and in so doing became aware of how much the cave visit had impacted me. Whether it was the cave, or the spirit of Romuald still residing there I’m not sure. But I discovered a clarity and conviction about my life and work, and like Romuald I returned home with renewed focus and peace.

 The Cave of the Heart I retreat unpacks aspects of Romuald’s experience in the cave, how in facing darkness and fears he was opened to a new awareness of his deep self and the Divine.

 I was  surprised, preparing the talks for this retreat, how Africa elbowed her way into the subject matter. Perhaps my ten years in a Zulu village was a type of cave experience, taking me on a journey similar to that of St. Romuald. Strange as it may be, the two themes seem to flow peaceably together.

 I hope this journey into the cave of the heart will bring you to an awareness of your purpose and identity, and send you home with renewed focus and peace.­­­­­­­”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Cave of the Heart 2

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• 1 Searching For Sugar Man Finding Our Music - 1 hour
• 2 Ecotone Hippos Surfing - 1 hour
• 3 Learning Leisure I am Sunday - 1 hour
• 4 Saint Animal A New Body Language - 1 hour
• 5 Absent Presence Mystery, Majesty, Empty Tomb - 1 hour

About Cave of the Heart 2

“Preparing this introductory letter to Cave of the Heart II, I suddenly recalled a dream someone in spiritual direction shared with me. In the dream he is driving a van packed with his belongings. He arrives at the mouth of a cave and realizes he will not be able to proceed, so leaving the van and all his possessions he enters into the cave on foot. The interior is dark, he has no idea where he’s going or where it will lead. All he knows is that he must continue, curious more than afraid, he sets out on this new leg of his journey. There is no light at the end of the tunnel and yet he is confident that the journey itself will be his light. The dream proved to be prophetic. In actual life he had to leave much of his past behind and continue in the darkness of unknowing and in doing so discovered new aspects of himself and a marvelous freedom.

 In this Cave of the Heart retreat we shall be attempting something similar. This is an invitation to leave old ways behind to continue our journey into the cave, like any real spelunker. We will be looking for a “modus vivendi” or “modus operandi” – the “how” of negotiating the way – learning skills for this new leg of our journey. We’ll, hopefully, explore a new relationship with our body, how to relax in this chaotic modern world, how to find our own unique music, how to interface with mystery and capture some of the dreamer’s curious excitement, as we proceed often in unknowing.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Cave of the Heart 3

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•  Trencadis Broken Pieces, Unfulfilled Dreams  1 hour
•  Risus Paschalis Divine Laughter  1 hour
•  Wild Beauty Antoni Gaudi  1 hour
•  Cosmic Fire Easter is also a Verb  1 hour
•  The Music and the Dance The Language of the Holy Spirit  1 hour

About Cave of the Heart 3
Cave 3 is the final retreat in Michael’s unique trilogy of self-discovery. More than ever, our lives are filled with distraction – news, circumstance and personal difficulties – that keep us from enjoying inner peace and the contemplation of our spirituality. Through story and Scripture, Michael guides us in reconnecting with the wildness of the Divine, and the realm of the sacred that lives within each of us.

“Cave of the Heart 3, in fact the whole Cave series, has been a strange experience for me. It sort of called itself together much like a circle dance. When the music begins, people are enticed into the dance from the sidelines, despite themselves and their reticence. These talks, of their own accord, arranged themselves into their own rhythm and flow, telling a story which is both mine and ours.”

~ Michael Fish, OSB, CAM.

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Celtic Spirituality I

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• 1 Gloaming - 45 minutes

• 2 Keltoi - Strangers - 1 hour

• 3 Purusha Myth - 1 hour

• 4 Imaginal World - 1 hour

• 5 Neart - 1 hour

About Celtic Spirituality I

“Why a retreat on Celtic Spirituality,” is a question I am often asked, “what relevancy does it have for me, I’m not Irish?” I remember reading an article in which Cardinal John Henry Newman was quoted as saying, “Celtic Spirituality is the jewel of our past and the hope of our future.” I haven’t since been able to locate either the article or the quote, however it does open interesting horizons.

 The existence of an ancient Christian spirituality, a hybrid of the Roman interpretation with which we are so familiar in the West, is of immense wealth and importance for today. Spirituality that incorporates respect and love of nature and creation; an awareness of the mystery at work in everyday life; the sacredness of seasons, that restores us to cosmic harmony, as well as the discovery of the wildness in God, prayer and ourselves; are a few of the unique characteristics of the Celtic way.

 More than ever we need a fresh, lively and new approach to our relationship with the Transcendent while holding fast to our venerable heritage, I believe Celtic Spirituality offers this opportunity and is indeed, “the jewel of the past and hope for the future.”

Le gach dea-gui (Ever good wish)
- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Celtic Spirituality II

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• 1 Listening to the Heart of God - 1 hour

• 2 “Saint Tree, Saint Me” - 50 minutes

• 3 “Where Are You” - 1 hour

• 4 Wild God - Run time 50 minutes

• 5 Body Sacred - Run time 1 hour 15 minutes

About Celtic Spirituality II

“During our time together we’ll continue to dip into the ancient and early Christian Celtic tradition however the main focus of this retreat is the application of this wisdom to our daily life and wellbeing.

The Celts believed the first Scripture given by God was nature and creation, thus they situated their liturgy and worship outdoors immersed in this holy presence. For the Celts, however, nature and creation was not limited to “the birds and the bees” but applied also to our humanity, which was seen as sacred, wise and revelatory.

 In this retreat we’ll explore how to recognize the gift of our humanity, our body and senses, and how to engage the quest to become “fully human and fully alive.”

 Those early Celtic liturgies around the tall crosses in wild Irish weather prompt us to explore our wildness within the wildness of God. In opening the pages of this primal Scripture may we come to new freedom, harmony and joy.”

 Le gach dea-gui (Ever good wish)
- Michael Fish, OSB CAM

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Merton's Mirror

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• 1 Introduction Follow the Ecstacy - 1 hour

• 2 Merton the Man Lost & Found - 1 hour

• 3 Merton the Monk Gethsemani - 1 hour

• 4 Merton’s Moment Louisville Awakening - 1 hour

• 5 Merton’s Mirror Hermit Pilgrim - 1 hour 15 minutes

About Merton’s Mirror

“I was 18 years old, just having completed my military service, when one morning after Mass, Sr. Louis Michael, a Holy Cross Sister, walked across the church and handed me a book, The Sign of Jonas, in which she had written, “While we wait for a sign.” I was discerning my vocation at that time.

 The Sign of Jonas began my relationship with Thomas Merton and kept alive in me the “inner monk,” finally realized 30 years later when I entered Camaldoli. Later, as Vocations Director and Novice Master, I was amazed at the number of young men who came to the Hermitage to explore their call, mainly because of reading Merton. 40 years after his death, he continued to speak with contemporary freshness – a spiritual language which the English world, in particular, could relate to and understand.

 This retreat does not promise to supply new information or insights on Merton. There are libraries full of authors, as well as Merton himself to provide this. Rather, Merton’s Mirror is looking at this American man and monk, his talents and shadows, and observing what he says to us about ourselves. I believe Thomas Merton’s writings, journal, life and humanity can assist us in navigating our present situation with all its complexities and challenges.

 My prayer is that this retreat, as Louis Michael wrote in 1968, will encourage and support us, “While we wait for a sign.”

- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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Compassion • Holy Week

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• 1 Saint Tree, Saint Me Setting the Scene For Holy Week - 1 hour
• 2 Listening to the Heart of God Looking at Holy Thursday - 1 hour 15 minutes
• 3 Camino of Shadows Good Friday Meditation - 50 minutes
• 4 Inner Rest Holy Saturday Sabbath - 45 minutes
• 5 Jesus the Pilgrim Journey to Resurrection - 1 hour

About Compassion

In a dream, the celebrated psychologist and author, Helen Luke, was looking at a picture which she knew was important, but could make no sense of. Then, she heard a voice, "Give the picture a quarter turn," and in doing so it suddenly became a beautiful icon.

This retreat in preparation for Holy Week is just this, a quarter turn to the mysteries we know so well, approaching them obliquely in the hope of gaining a fresh light and understanding. May this retreat be a companion during the Triduum and a guide directing you on the inner journey to the Eastering of the One who is compassion.

– Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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