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• 1 Adventure Croatia Romuald the Hermit - 1 hour
• 2 Cave Darkness A Rumi Story - 1 hour 15 minutes
• 3 Self Seeding African Stories - 1 hour
• 4 The Necklace The Deep Dive Into Becoming - 1 hour
• 5 Flow Kalahari Drilling - 1 hour
About Cave of the Heart 1
“In May of 2015, a German Benedictine, Jeremias Marseille, and I visited the cave of St. Romuald in northern Croatia. Both of us wanted to see the place where Romuald lived for three years, a thousand years ago, a time which had a profound spiritual effect on him.
Returning to the States, I shared the experience at one of the Camaldolese Assemblies, and in so doing became aware of how much the cave visit had impacted me. Whether it was the cave, or the spirit of Romuald still residing there I’m not sure. But I discovered a clarity and conviction about my life and work, and like Romuald I returned home with renewed focus and peace.
The Cave of the Heart I retreat unpacks aspects of Romuald’s experience in the cave, how in facing darkness and fears he was opened to a new awareness of his deep self and the Divine.
I was surprised, preparing the talks for this retreat, how Africa elbowed her way into the subject matter. Perhaps my ten years in a Zulu village was a type of cave experience, taking me on a journey similar to that of St. Romuald. Strange as it may be, the two themes seem to flow peaceably together.
I hope this journey into the cave of the heart will bring you to an awareness of your purpose and identity, and send you home with renewed focus and peace.”
- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM
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