Celtic Spirituality I

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• 1 Gloaming - 45 minutes

• 2 Keltoi - Strangers - 1 hour

• 3 Purusha Myth - 1 hour

• 4 Imaginal World - 1 hour

• 5 Neart - 1 hour

About Celtic Spirituality I

“Why a retreat on Celtic Spirituality,” is a question I am often asked, “what relevancy does it have for me, I’m not Irish?” I remember reading an article in which Cardinal John Henry Newman was quoted as saying, “Celtic Spirituality is the jewel of our past and the hope of our future.” I haven’t since been able to locate either the article or the quote, however it does open interesting horizons.

 The existence of an ancient Christian spirituality, a hybrid of the Roman interpretation with which we are so familiar in the West, is of immense wealth and importance for today. Spirituality that incorporates respect and love of nature and creation; an awareness of the mystery at work in everyday life; the sacredness of seasons, that restores us to cosmic harmony, as well as the discovery of the wildness in God, prayer and ourselves; are a few of the unique characteristics of the Celtic way.

 More than ever we need a fresh, lively and new approach to our relationship with the Transcendent while holding fast to our venerable heritage, I believe Celtic Spirituality offers this opportunity and is indeed, “the jewel of the past and hope for the future.”

Le gach dea-gui (Ever good wish)
- Michael Fish, OSB. CAM

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